After Ukraine, Adevarul Holding expands to neighbouring countries

Adevarul, Adevarul Holding, Ukraine

According to Corneteanu, the group will initiate investments in media in several countries in the Black Sea region or in neighbouring countries, with priority in Serbia, Georgia, Moldova, and Bulgaria. Hungary is also on the development list. The group will also continue investing in Ukraine, where it acquired the Blik tabloid last year.

On the other hand, Adevarul Holding is continuing its Romanian expansion. “We want to become one of the main suppliers of books in the country. We sold 15 million books in ten months,” Corneteanu indicated.

The group will continue its existing book collections, printed in Italy, for reasons of quality and profitability. “There are no printing capacities in Romania. They cannot make 300,000 high quality copies and covers as we want. The price is lower in Italy; it is one thing to print 2,000 copies of a book, and another to print 300,000 copies,” Corneteanu said.