According to the bill regarding the necessary measures to reestablish the budgetary balance, on which the government plans to assume responsibility in the Parliament, the 25 percent cut is applied to the gross value of salaries, indemnities, bonuses and other salary rights, as well as to other rights in lei or foreign currency.
The document foresees that the salary rights of the personnel from the public authorities and institutions will be slashed regardless of their way of financing. Thus, the wages of the employees from BNR, CNVM, CSA will also lose 25 percent. The amounts of money resulted from these cutbacks will be transferred entirely to the state budget.
The same cut is applied to the salary gains of those sent in permanent or temporary mission abroad, the employees in the education system and those from defense and national security institutions, but also for food, equipment and rent allowances.
The cutbacks are applied stating June 1.
If some of the gains go under 600 lei after the 25 percent slash, the amount is set at 600 lei, the value of the minimum salary in Romania.