Articole cu tag-ul: economy, IMF, loan, loans, money

The IMF tranche will leave more money for the private economy

IMF was to approve yesterday the second letter of intent signed with the Romanian state after assessing the country’s economy in August, and release the second tranche of the some €13 bln two-year loan. The €1.9 bln will be split equally between the reserves of the National Bank of Romania and the state’s Treasury for ...

Energy, cement and beer to measure the economy

For some time now, President Traian Băsescu said that he was only interested in energy consumption, which is meant to indicate when this industry will rebound. This is just one of the indexes that can reveal what is happening in the Romanian economy. Cement consumption shows what we can expect in the construction sector. Beer ...

Will women or men get the economy back on its feet?

The solution would be internal saving, which can be encouraged through public policies. “Women save less. The decision should be transferred to them. This will lead to a relaunching of economic growth,” said Lucian Croitoru, Advisor to the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) . His statement is based on a poll ordered ...