The bill for the presidential elections to be no less than €70 mln

elections, presidential elections

What the presidential elections mean for all markets directly targeted are a double digit growth rate or a rebound from the downward trend caused by the economic crisis.

During the election campaign, election spots will raise advertising budgets on the TV segment by up to 10 percent, in the most optimistic scenario, and by 15-20 percent on all environments, Anca Gheorghe, Marketing Manager of the Kanal D channel, estimated for Business Standard.

The local advertising market on all environments was previously estimated by the Initiative media agency at €347 mln for 2009, while advertising on the TV segment was expected to decline, according to the same report, to €225 mln for this year, from €337 mln in 2008.

“TV has good prices and maximum effect. I believe that online will also grow a lot now, to reach those who might not normally vote,” Gheorghe added.

At the same time, according to sources involved in the presidential campaign, the increase registered by printing houses that contract such work can amount to 100 percent of net sales.